Your Playlist is your Personal Grimoire

Creating your own Book of Musical Spells

A Grimoire is defined as a book of magic spells. The definition of a spell is a word or phrase that is supposed to have magical powers, like a charm or incantation. It is also defined as a state or period of enchantment, and an irresistible influence or fascination, and sometimes it is used as a measure of time.

Many people have described an enjoyable experience of listening to music as spellbinding. Music itself is an interesting and mysterious component of our physical reality, because there is a huge contrast between what it is and what it does. Music at the most basic level is no more than mathematical patterns of sound, rhythm and pitch, yet those unique combinations have the ability to transport and move people emotionally in ways that are not really understood, but universally accepted.

Music has a much bigger influence on our day-to-day experience than most people realize precisely because it is so easy to keep a catchy tune in your mind without giving a second thought to how it might be influencing your beliefs and assumptio. Commercial Advertising knows this very well, and spends huge amounts of time and money on jingles and catchy lyrics to influence consumers. If the previous sentence did not pop an ad jingle into your mind, think of one now. The odds are you had a jingle quickly pop into your head (f not several) as you decided which one fit the question for you. That is how powerful and in some ways relentless advertising is. A song is very much like a spell in that it can contain a wealth of ideas within a short catchy poem set to music, and that narrative may have profound impact on your experience even when you are not conscious of it.

Advances in digital technology have given many people access to a wide variety of platforms and inexpensive devices that can store enormous libraries of music, spoken word, and other media.

With this in mind is an easy thing to create a playlist for your music listening device which can serve as your personal Grimoire using the words and music which speak to you on a personal level and deepen your connection to your Source. You can call the playlist Inspiration or My Book of Spells, it doesn’t matter what you call it. What matters is the intent. So focus on music and words that uplift you and revs up your enthusiasm.

Listen with intention to the lyrics of anything that resonates with you. What exactly draws you to it? Is a good beat and hummable tune really worth listening to if you don’t agree with the sentiment expressed? I would suggest they are not. If the song you are listening to does not align with your hearts true desire then ask yourself why are you listening to it?

At this point in history, you could not even listen to all the songs that have been recorded so far even once. So is there really any reason to listen to anything that doesn’t elevate your mood or inspire you in some way for any extended length of time?

Occasionally you may find yourself identifying with some particularly angry or sad music. There can be a catharsis in listening to music that expresses the unpleasant emotions we are experiencing. It is important to realize however, that continuously reinforcing these ideas by continuously listening and reinforcing the same ideas can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Sometimes you find yourself listening to and relating to angry, they-done-me-wrong type material, and that is fine if it serves you in moving up the emotional scale to a more connected place. It is important to process these denser vibration emotions though, so you spiral upwards and not just go around in circles between anger and revenge for example, or spiral downward into fear and despair.

Listening to your personal Grimoire on a regular basis will keep these ideas firmly in your conscious thinking, that constant internal dialog we all have with ourselves. It is a good way to counter the constant negative chatter that comes from the world without. It will help you to habituate the good feeling thoughts that attract enjoyable experience.

The intention is to have a ready repository of music which helps you deliberately alter your mood to ever more positive states.

For the core of your listings, we are suggesting some of the more popular music that people would consider spiritually uplifting and/or centered on more ideal expressions of life, love, and creative expression. Some of them are just for fun or spark your imagination. Many are my own favorites, but some I include because of their stature in popular culture. I include not only many popular tunes, but also some more obscure material that I find to be in keeping with the main idea of the most magical and spellbinding music around.

Here is the Bonafide Magic School Grimoire on Spotify:

Use this playlist as a jumping off point for your personal book of Magical Spells. Add or subtract what you prefer. Feel free to add your comments or suggestions for this master list in the comments.